Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Help Wanted: Sleep Techniques, PLEASE!

*Disclaimer: I am so incredibly tired of hearing “sleep now, while you can” from people. So if you continue to read this, and that thought crosses your mind, DO NOT SHARE IT WITH ME. (or any other smart ass remark, kthxbai) Love – PITA Pregnant Lady.

I’m a person that likes to sleep. However, in the last few years, I don’t sleep very well thanks to RLS. I’ve learned to be able to survive on little sleep nightly, but that doesn’t make me happy about it.

Since I have been KO’d, I have found that my sleep is not that great. I understand that as I get further along (last few months of my pregnanct) that my sleeping will get worse due to discomfort and what not. But this is not my issue.

Excluding my nights plagued with RLS infested fun – I fall asleep quite well, as this baby making factory is tired. I get up and work, go to school, study and try to work. I cook, I clean, and I have some fun. I wear my body out!

It’s the darn staying asleep that is my problem. On an average of 7 nights – 3- 5 nights a week, I wake up anywhere from 3am – to 5am and stay awake from 1 to 2 hours or more. I get up to use the restroom sometimes at 1 am, I fall right back asleep. But at other times, I am wide awake.

So, the Popster and I sleep on the couch most of the time b/c we get up and watch TV a lot, not wanting to disturb Papa Bear. Sometimes we watch movies; sometimes we watch the Biography channel. Sometimes we watch E! If we are up at 4 or later, we watch the last night’s news re-run and then Good Morning Tampa Bay. I’m more in tune with the days weather patterns that ever before!

Sometimes we eat while we sit awake cursing the sandman. Our favorite choices are Peanut Butter toast or fruit. Sometimes we catch up on Facebook at 4am via the droid. I’m kind of shocked how many people I know who post in the middle of the night...do YOU know who is out partying until 3am when they have work at 8am….I DO!!! :)

Last Thursday into Friday I was up from 3am – 6:30am. I got a nap in from 6:30 to 7:45 when I had to get up. Last night I was up at 4am until 5:30. This is getting old…and frustrating and really interfering with my day. I end up sleeping until 9am, when I wish I could wake up at 7 or 8 and get my day on.

I know that in a few months, my sleep will be precious – someone please HELP me – do you know any tricks to get us to sleep through the night?

CCP & Poppy


  1. Well, sorry for saying to get as much rest as you can in my last comment. One thing Mike got me to help the restless nights was this huge body pillow that wrapped around my whole body. This thing was amazing and I continued to use it even for a while after Michael was born. Here is the link...http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002E7DIQ/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_2?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B0010BBN7M&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=00S1DPH3E6EHQKJZZE94. I highly recommend it!

  2. Two things that help me when I have insomnia are lavender and a white noise machine. You might be able to find a good app for your phone that will save you from buying a whole machine. I have one and I set it in the background. It helps drown out stuff in the background.
