Here I am - a week shy of Ireland turning 1. I just cannot believe it has been a year.
Time is a funny thing. I remember a period of my 20s where I thought time had actually stood still, I hated it. I was in a holding pattern of my life - waiting, desperately for something to change. Now, here I am wishing every day that time would stand still for a little bit, just slow down a little bit - for one more hug, one more kiss, one more snuggle.
It's been one year of being a mommy. One year of nursing my baby. One year of figuring out this parenting thing (yeah, I don't have it figured out yet). It's been one year kisses, hugs and tight swaddles. It's been one year of a a ride on this craziest emotional roller coaster ever - many crazy twists and turns. It's been one year of managing a baby on top of a marriage, two full-time careers, ending one masters degree and beginning another. It's been one year of diapers, bottle warmers, breast pumps and footed-pj's.
It has been - hands down - the best year of my life.