Thursday, June 30, 2011

More Goodies!

Miss Ireland got more goodies today! Miss Sam sent her a bunch of goodies today! Two are pictured below - Ireland booties and a hat and a Perry Platapus doll! :) LOVE!

Furthermore, Missy sent me a late birthday and early push gift - the Kate Spade necklace I wanted. MP took me to the Kate store for my birthday and I opted for sunglasses over the necklace. Now, I have both! And the little KS box makes my heart flutter! :) HEE HEE!

Thank you to Sam and Missy! And furthermore, thank you to EVERYONE who has sent us anything. EVERYTHING helps, EVERYTHING is appreciated. I still don't think a written thank you card truly expresses my appreciation! XOXOXO

OMG! I can't handle all the love!! EVERYONE is so nice.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Overwhelmed with Love

Overwhelmed with love is the best way I can sum up the past week. I seriously have to stop and pinch myself so often and say "What did I do to deserve such goodness?"

I came home today to find a high chair box sitting on my door step. Our friends Natalia and Tom J sent us one of our last big ticket items. I couldn't believe how generous they were to send that gift to us. I received all those clothes from my friend - so much so that I had to buy containers for storing. My fairy godmother brought Ireland more clothes. My sweet and thoughtful friend MJ sent me a bag of Hello Kitty goodies and clothing for Ireland. Today, my dear friend Erin treated me to Tijuana Flats for my birthday. THANK YOU everyone!

My photog Carmen took some really sweet pictures of me and MP with my belly o'baby! I can't believe I was gifted a photo shoot by her, she is such a busy person and her time is so appreciated and her creativity is loved. I can't wait to see some of the special pictures we did. Carmen has a great idea for pictures of Ireland post birth. I'm so freaking stoked.

I look around Ireland's room and I am beside myself that just about everything in that room was gifted to us. To think that we have that many friends and family that love us that much to provide all that to our little girl is just amazing. It's humbling. It's so appreciated. It's overwhelming - how do we ever pay back all these generous people in our lives?

I guess we start with raising Ireland right - to be a well mannered, sweet, secure little girl. Who knows that she is loved and secure. We work not to impose ugliness in her, but to instill the same values that we find in our friends and family. Teach her to be giving and generous. To say thank you, to not be greedy. To compliment others and not expect the same in return. To be sincere and to be real. And while we do that, we must do the same.

Ireland doesn't seem to want to come out yet. And I'm OK with that. She will come when she wants and when she is ready. I can't wait to hold that little girl and tell her how awesome she already is.


Friday, June 24, 2011


Wow! I am so glad it's Friday!

These weeks are just flying by! Tuesday night we finished our series of labor and delivery courses. We finished with a CPR class for infants and child. While we learned a lot over five weeks, we were both glad it was over!

Work wise - I spent the week getting things together to be out. I wouldn't say that I am 100% ready, but if I went out on Monday, we'd be in a lot better shape. I got a ton of work today and delegated a lot of tasks.

Wednesday my dear friend Anne took me to dinner at a Mexican place for my birthday. It was really nice to spend time chatting with her and catching up in person. It was a yummy date!

I woke up Thursday to an adorable card from MP. The best card he's ever gotten me, literally had tears in my eyes. I spent my birthday working and then MP came home and took me to the Hibachi for dinner. It was so scrumptious! We got a small ice cream cake and came home to hang out.

We are very happy that my Fairy Godmother (Aunt Cherry) has agreed to help watch Ireland a few days week once I go back to work. We are really lucky to have such a great family member help out. I think her and Ireland will have a grand time together!

Today, I got my dinner inspiration from my friend Erin. A calzone! I went to the store to get the goods to make a veggie loaded calzone. MP was quite a happy camper. We may or may not have gotten ice cream after dinner! :)

I had a tremendous surprise today. My friend Erin C from high school sent us a box of hand me downs from her one year old girl, Ellie. This box was big enough to fit a few small children in it! To say we were spoiled with her generosity would be a huge understatement. I'm quite certain that I do no need to buy pajamas for the entire first year for Ireland. She got so much mans and jackets and onezies - and the cutest little gap shoes!

It always amazes me how generosity comes from the most interesting ways, from places that you would least expect it. Sometimes you know the people who you think will be giving, and sometimes your assumptions are true, and sometimes they are not. But then something like this happens and I remember there are so many amazing people in this world. We are very blessed to have so many giving, thoughtful people in our lives. Its certaintly a reminder to ensure we behave the same way.

I do not know how to thank ErinC. I know how we will thank her, but it just doesn't seem enough for the hundreds of dollars of clothes she basically just donated to us. But I will honor the request she has - after we use them - donate them or pass them along. Erin, if you read this, THANK YOU!!!

Tomorrow is Pedi's with my Fairy Godmother and naps and hanging out! Sounds like a great way to relax to me! :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Gatorade is Thirst Aid....

For the that deep down body thirst! I think that is how the commercial used to go when we were little kids...anyone?

Well, regardless - I've been drinking A LOT of it.

One day last week, I woke up and I didn't feel right. A little dizzy, a little fluish and really weak. I took the first hour off of work and slept in to get some rest. By lunch time, I had some soup and ginger ale and was feeling fine.

Over the weekend, MP and I went to the outlets to do some shopping. It was hot. I mean, REALLY hot and I was swelling and when we got home, I kinda felt the same way again, but chalked it up to the heat.

But, on Monday I was struck again by feeling dizzy and crappy. I even had to stop working and go lay down for a hour, it was brutal. Then I woke up on Tuesday the same way. I decided to call the doctor.

Long story short, my blood pressure is really low. This is pretty odd because my blood pressure is usually so good doctors comment on it. After an examine, doctor said all is more than fine with the baby, but I need to chill out. HA!

She said to drink a lot of gatorade and fluids and eat some some salt when the bp drops. I can handle that! Doctor also threatened to pull me from work early if I don't redcue my work/stress load.

Thankfully, I work for some great people who put my health first and have agreed to take some items off my plate so I can get items transitioned to the person managing each client while I am gone. So, with 13 business days left until maternity leave, I'm busy just getting itesm out of my inbox.

Go away all 100+ emails!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ireland's Nursery

Click here to go to Ireland's Nursery Video

Feelin' Pretty - but it took a while!

I often hear horror stories of rude people and the inappropriate things they say to pregnant women. No, I'm not talking about the narcissistic people we are all burdened with in our lives (you know, the ones who contact you only to talk about themselves - yawn!).

I'm talking about the people who feel the need to comment on someone's pregnancy weight, or weight in general, or how they look pregnant. OR the people that are also narcissistic and somehow make your pregnancy about them. "You gained XX lbs??! I only gained **insert stupid small number here**." We all know people who have been struck by these inappropriate, self-loathing (but masked with the “I'm so awesome” mentality) people who find it their job to put down a pregnant women during a very fun, yet hormonal, time of their life.

I have been lucky, so far. For the most part, I have not been that person who has been offended by the likes of others due to my pregnancy weight or looks. I feel horrible for the women who have been offended by these comments.

One of my good friends told me after her pregnancy that she was upset with her weight gain and she didn't care for the "you just had a baby" excuse. Her beautiful body was healing and she was feeling the toll childbearing took on her body. I of course thought she was nuts to be so hard on herself. Then I got pregnant. Then I understood what she meant.

I don't understand this pressure to be so concerned with your weight during pregnancy. That said, I have been very concerned with my weight my entire pregnancy. Obviously, the most important thing is to gain weight in a healthy manner for both you and the baby. But where is the line between concern and vanity? When do we say enough is enough? What about the times I literally stressed and been very upset with myself because I gained 1.5 lbs in a week more than I should have, according to 'x' book? The stress of feeling bad about myself in an effort to reduce criticism from shitty people had to be worse for me and the baby then an extra 1.5 lbs did. I mean, especially when in hindsight, the next week, I didn't gain one lb.

I now understand that everyone woman is different and the way their body confirms to pregnancy is different. It something to be embraced, not fought. It really is amazing what your body is doing, that your body is providing life support for a tiny human being that will never care how much you weighed when they took up rent in your belly.

The goal for me is to be the best, most loving, nurturing and supportive parent to my child, not to be the skinniest. Vanity doesn't teach your children much more than how to be insecure and worrisome; it strips them of their natural character.

Now, I'm not suggesting every woman should throw caution the wind and eat for two (hate that phrase) and be careless with their pregnant bodies. I just think the pressure should be on more important things related to pregnancy.

I'm not that great at receiving compliments. But this weekend, I was. At Kate Spade the lady asked how long until I was due. I said "3 weeks" and she said "your belly is so small, you look great!". Usually, I would've said something like 'yeah, well, but look at my butt'. Instead, I just beamed and said 'THANK YOU!' It was not something I expected, but it felt good.

Yesterday at the Ray's game we went up to a booth and this lady asked me when I was due. I again said 3 weeks and she said "How can you be 3 weeks away and look so beautiful?". Again, I was beaming and laughing and I gave her a heartfelt "Thank You". She went on to add a few minor compliments while she asked about the details of name, sex, etc and the whole time I was thinking, thank GOD there are still nice people out there. I know there is, I'm friends with a lot of them. But it’s nice to see nice strangers.

Monday, Already?

Man, the last of the ‘free’ weekends sure are flying by faster than I can rest and enjoy them. That may or may not be due to my behavior, but I’m not in the business of pointing fingers so early on a Monday!

Another week has passed – 36 weeks of pregnancy of be exact – hard to believe it. 36 weeks have been filled with so much. Trips, holiday, work, graduate school, visitors, relaxing, preparing, and now I’m just trying to enjoying the last little bit of life as I know before, before our world is rocked. However, I can’t wait!

Last week flew by for both of us. We are both so buy with work. MP is running around like a maniac and I’m working diligently to wrap up things at work – and still getting pressured to start new things. Needless to say, work stress is NOT diminishing. I guess it won’t until I’m out and I just don’t care. We had our last ‘regular’ baby class last week.

We go back tomorrow for child and infant CPR and then we are done. It’s been a really interesting class and we’ve learned a lot about labor and delivery. However, the chairs are uncomfortable and after working all day, I’m tired of being ‘talked’ to.

I have not made the dent in my baby sleeping habits book as I should have. I have a mission to do that this weekend, darn it! Tonight I need to put the finishing touches on Ireland’s room and polish the floors – then that is ready to go. I got my hospital nightgown yesterday for post-delivery. I washed it with the last little bit of baby stuff and I need to finish packing that today.

The car seats were installed this weekend. We took them up to FDOT and met with an officer to have them properly checked. She was a wonderful assistant and we are thankful we had her help. Of course it’s a bit strange to be rolling around with car seats in your car. Talk about a mind blowing reminder of what is to come.

Speaking of – I went into I’s room on Friday afternoon – and I noticed an empty crib (as I have so many times before) but this time, I stopped dead in my tracks and thought “OMG, I am going to responsible for someone’s life” and that is just flat out scary! And so exciting.

Saturday MP and I went to the outlets to do some shopping. He was looking for new clothes, while I watched with jealousy. I can’t wait to wear normal clothes again and to workout and shop. But, he didn’t let me feel bad long. With the upcoming birthday he treated me to a pair of Kate Spade sunglasses (yay, finally!) and I treated myself to some KS earrings! Not a bad start to my birthday week! After a ton of walking in the extreme heat (it got HOT here) I was done. We came home and I pretty much was useless the rest of the day.

Sunday after I church I took MP to the Rays game for Father’s Day. I had bought us awesome tickets and we enjoyed them. We even decided to do something different and each keep score of the game using the scorecard they give you. After a Rays sweep over the Marlins, we met MVP for dinner at Mac Grill and then ran errands at Walmart. By the time we got home, this baby was a moving. By moving, I mean making waves in my belly and I’m pretty sure she was even dropping more, b/c the pelvic pain was crazy. She’s making her way I guess!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Another weekend not wasted!

WHEW! It's already 9:25 on Sunday night. I still have to finish at least the introduction of my book on baby sleeping habits before I retire for the night...which should be soon because I am whooped!

Friday was a great day in terms of accomplishment. We had a meet and greet with the pediatrician we selected and that went well. I got a lot accomplished at work so that I can get at my desk tomorrow and really pound out maternity leave preparations. MP and I went out for pizza on Friday night and I came home and just say on my rear. I starting piling through my American Baby and Parenting magazines I let pile up during the semester and what not.

Saturday we had a baptism preparation class at church in the morning. We came home and put up the decals in Ireland's room. MP finished fixing the closet doors in there today, so now all that is left is for me to get some pictures in a frame, hang it up and clean/polish the floors. Then, we are all set! I plan to have that done this week.

Then I went and treated myself to a manicure and pedicure before going to visit a friend who was moving. I enjoyed going into CVS to buy her a case of beer - oh the looks I got! :) Tee Hee! After stopping over to supervise the move, I went to the Fresh Market to get groceries and some dinner. Came home to have MP grill our burgers and then I again, sat on my rear. I was just beat up, AGAIN. I can't wait to get my stamina back!

Today I slept until until nearly 9am. I have been waking up a lot at night and even staying awake for an hour or so in the middle of the night. So I guess my body needed the extra bit of sleep it got today. MP went out to cut the grass while I prepared and sent initial interview questions to potential nanny's. When MP came in I made us breakfast and then started cleaning some of the rooms of our house. By 11am I was once again done - so I sat down to take care of some computer work before I could manage standing again to shower and run more errands.

We went to BuyBuyBaby to purchase some items - we came out with a dvd that's been recommended to watch - The Happiest Baby on the Block and MP's pick -Parenting - the 1st year for dummies. :) MP wanted a backpack for his baby bag - so we stopped and got him one. THEN came the good part! We treated ourselves to Cheesecake from the Cheesecake factory - mmm, mmmm!! I have half of mine in my fridge and its calling my name for another day!

We made our way home in time to sit for an hour before heading to church. I was to read the 2nd reading tonight mass. I got there to find out I was to do the 1st reading. OOPS! So I frantically grab a missile and read over it...woah, some city names I don't know how to pronounce. Had I read the 1st reading preparations, my guide would have showed me this. So I go up to the Deacon's daughter and asked for her help. She told me her dad wrote a song about this - but she can't remember. So, all 20 years of her tells me "Just go with it, if you mess up, only you and Father will know. It's not like he will call you out." In a moment of a pregnancy induced hot flash, I decide to accept her advice. I go up. I read. I mangle.

During the homily Father Ed, who I adore, has a great analogy about the holy spirit and O-rings from the challenger...yeah, you had to be there to get it, but I loved it. In an effort to drive home how members of the church are like faulty o-rings...he asks the readers to raise their hands. Then proceeds to CALL ME OUT on messing up in the reading! LOL Only me!! He didn't mean to be it rude, it was a teachable moment! :) I just laughed, that is SO ME!!!

While waiting to bring the book up to the alter before mass, some woman came up to me and said "you look absolutely beautiful". I was still to high off her kindness to care I messed up. God doesn't care, he's just glad I tried!

We came home and made diner and packed our baby bags. Ireland's hospital bag is ready. Now I just need to pack MY hospital bag and have my list ready in case MP or MVP have to stop here and collect the few random items. Or Erin, she may be on list duty, too.

I have asked Erin to be my Douala! She accepted. :)

So this week ahead is all about working hard at the job, getting things off the list and ready for transition. I need to finish up I's room, clean her toys and wrap it all up. We have baby class this Tuesday night again where we'll get a tour of the recovery wing at the hospital. I also need to read like 4 chapters in my sleeping habits for baby book we were gifted.

We are getting there, we are close! This is BONKERS!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

T - One Month

Here we are on June 11th. The ‘final’ countdown begins and I as I type this, I have tears in my eyes for so many reasons. Little Miss Ireland is due in one month. One month. That is crazy. She can come in a few days, a few weeks, or after July 11th. No one knows but God.

On one hand, I am ready for her. I am physically ready her for her. Our house is ready for the most part – just a few final details are left. I have to actually finish packing her hospital bag and get mine packed. I need to pack our baby bags and get the car seats secured. MP has to hang a new track in the closet and a picture frame. Then I THINK we are done. We could do all that tomorrow…HA!...I bet we won’t, but we’ll knock out some of that stuff for sure.

I’ve anticipated her arrival since Halloween when I first took the pregnancy test. It’s been a great pregnancy. Yeah, I didn’t love the morning sickness, I loathe the acid reflux and I’ve beat up from the feet up EVERY day since the end of April. But those are all things that don’t really matter. I’ve actually enjoyed being pregnant and I would do it again.

So, why the tears?

Well for starters, because I’m tired. And I’m not ready to be more tired than this. But that’s trivial. I’m more scared of what the future holds. Will I really be a good mom? People tell me I will be, but will I really be? Will she like me? Will MP adore her and be her first and biggest protector until the day he dies? How will our marriage be affected? Will she be as smart and as beautiful I imagine her to be? Will she be safe and happy and free from worry as long as possible? The future really is unknown and it’s scary to bring another human into this world when nothing is guaranteed.

I will also really miss feeling her kick and move inside me. We had a sonogram on Thursday and I was informed exactly of how she’s laying. Since then I know when her butt is moving around and I love it. I will miss knowing she is safe from the world in my belly.

But, I trust that the best is yet to come when it comes to my lil’shamrock and I can’t wait to soak up the joy she brings to MP and me. We are going to love her so much; there is no doubt of that.

As of Thursday, I am not dilated but the doctor said my cervix is beginning to thin. It’s crazy how close it is. MP said to me last night that all of pregnancy has gone fast, but the last few weeks are going slow. I said “OMG, they are FLYING by for me, I need them to slow down.” I think we are both anxious with our own worries and fear of the unknown and its funny how it affects us each differently.
So, with one month left – I will go to rest for the night. For tomorrow is another busy day of chores, errands and finding time to rest.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Colleen 1, Pregnancy 1.5

5 weeks from due date today. Poppy is no longer the size of a poppy seed but more like the size of a large cantaloupe. Is it wrong that song from Benny and Joon comes to mind? "Cantaloupa - cataloupa...da da da da...." Or whatever it says.....

I digress...this part of pregnancy has KICKED my arse lately. I will say nicely that I hate it!!!

My feet hurt, like the bottom pads of them, HURT. My wrists hurt. My fingers hurt, my back hurts, my ankles (not kankles yet!) hurt! I feel restricted, I have to rest a lot and we all know that I don't rest well.

Well, I decided this weekend that I was on a super crazy mission to get the last of my baby stuff done. I got darn near close.

Remember my work related meltdown? Well I spent Thursday tending to the same project until 1am...I woke up on Friday beat and just not feel rested. I muddled through the day the best I could, but by 3pm I was laying in my bed with my swollen sore feet up. I went to lunch that day with my lunching ladies - Kathleen and Elinor and ate bad - something I've been doing very little of. Let me tell you - its not worth it. I couldn't even nap without the reflux of a horrible meal taunting me every few minutes. It was just sad. :(

MP came home to find me attempting to nap. He suggested we do a late dinner so I could rest. We went out for German food (mmm, schnitzel!) later that night and came straight home. We had to get up early to volunteer our time at the Youth Tri down near Brandon.

I was up every hour (lovely pee breaks and acid reflux attacks) so by 5:30 I was just awake - waiting to get MP out of bed. We were out the door by 6:30 and tattooing up little kids by 7:30. As a parent to be, it was wonderful to see so many parents out at the pool with their kids. The kids were 5 and up. It was hilarious and cute to see the little kids doing the swim portion of their tri - then getting out the off the pool to run to transition. All too often you see or hear of parents who have the TV babysit their kids and let the iPad and the DS entertain them. Yet, these parents were up at 7am to ensure their kids were being active, playing with friends and having fun. It wasn't about winning or losing (well, there was THAT one guy, always is) but it was really about fun. As I put tattoos on the little boys and girls, I asked them if they were going to win or have fun. Most kids said "have fun" and I LOVE that attitude. After we applied tatoo's we walked a few blocks and stood guard on some streets to block cars from getting onto the raceway. I knew I would pay the price of being on my feet so long, but I didn't care. Watching these kids do the bike portion of their tri was worth it. I loved cheering on these little kids and watching them smile and have fun. I think most of them enjoyed the encouragement! I thought a lot about Ireland that day and how I can't wait to watch what her interests will be and to support her. Long gone are the days of getting up on a Saturday to nurse a hangover. I'm OK with that. I can't wait for the days to get up and watch her play softball, run a tri, kick a soccer ball, dance, etc. As long as she is active and having fun, I will be a happy parent.

One girl was talking to a group of kids all biking by each other - they were maybe 7 or 8. She said "I'm just getting used to my shocks" and I giggled. I looked down the street at MP, laughing and he said "Babe, that so would've been you, talking instead of competing." I laughed harder, that is SO true! GOod Times!

After that we came home and I was dead on my feet, as I suspected. The swollen knees and sore feet and ankles kicked in and I was ready to nap. Of course, all this tends to heighten my RLS, so I didn't nap for long. Instead, I forced myself to put together the bassinet/pack and play. I unwrapped all the toys and rattles and got them ready to be cleaned. I organized her room, got it ready for its final decorations. I started packing Poppy's hospital bag and made my list of what I needed to buy for each our diaper bags. I was on it!! By 4pm, I was off it...and fell asleep on our living room floor - OOPS! That hurt!

That night we just rested some more (after MP thankfully cut the grass) and took it easy. Sunday AM I was up at church early and then I went to get some breakfast. I was in the stores by 10am getting the things we needed - travel wipes a bassinet sheet, etc. I picked up our video camera and I did some food shopping. I came home by 1 and cleaned the kitchen and living room a bit then I stopped. BIG MISTAKE. OUCH! This body hates me! So I took a shower and napped until 5 freaking o'clock. Talk about feeling lazy.

I got up and made homemade - nearly all natural - beef stroganoff for dinner. OMG! It was SO GOOD! Aunt Cherry came over and ate with us and brought a chocolate ice box cake, I find comfort in knowing the leftovers of that are in my garage fridge! :)

Its now Monday AM and my inbox is mad at me, my maternity coverage list awaits and my iced coffee with chocolate almond milk needs made. I'm already tired.

One of my chores last week was to find a pediatrician and I think we found him! We are meeting with him on Friday for a meet and greet. Now I need to find the nanny and finish the last of the details… packing the bags, getting MP to get his list done, etc. I'm THIS close to feeling 100% baby ready! I can do it, I can do it!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Ok, I have been hiding out from blogging and now all of a sudden I'm ready to write again. The past two months have been a whirlwind. I really feel this is the calm before the storm. I've been enjoying some nesting!

MP went away last week - Wednesday through Sunday. I had a nice time alone, although I missed him. I got to meet Erin and the kiddos for dinner one night and came home to wash the rest of Ireland's clothes and open up things in her room. Thursday I napped until late and then worked until nearly midnight.

Friday -I went up to Orlando to see my sweet friend AmyJ and we just ate Mexican food and saw Something Borrowed. It was nice to see her and get to play with her son Cole.

Saturday I came home and relaxed, ate some pizza and fruit and watched trash TV like the Real Housewives of NJ! :) Hey, if Ireland is going to learn smut, she's going to learn what smut to watch!

Sunday I got up early and cleaned. By cleaned, I mean I rooted through my house and did a deep clean. You know - where you take the freaking oven out of its pocket to clean behind it. I also decided to get on my hands and knees to clean the grout and baseboards. I was whooped. By the time MP I got home, I had him a to-do list created! We got up on Monday and did a bunch of errands! You know, we hit up the fun spots - a little Bed Bath and Beyond, Lowes, etc...the fun stuff. No Kate Spade. :(

By noon I was beat up from the feet up! These ankles are tired of supporting me and baby! I came home and napped then cleaned my patio while MP did work on the house. Such a good husband!

Later that day we went got to spend time with our friends Stephan and Maria and then hit the Fresh Market for grocery shopping. I was actually good and did some meal planning and shopping was fun. I am LOVING eating and shopping for our organic and natural foods.

Yesterday was my meltdown and I slept like a baby. I woke up today with a brand new 'tude and worked hard and chatted up an old friend. Then I made our dinner - a new recipe of goat cheese zucchini and baked cod. Then I made our dinner for tomorrow - corned beef cabbage rolls. They look good for the first try!

I just took a hot bath and now I'm sitting at the ottoman coffee table on the medicine ball and going to start researching nanny’s and pediatricians! I can do this calmly now because I's room is just about ready, all her clothes are clean, the kitchen has been deep cleaned and my honey-do list is getting knocked out!

Oh....and watch some more Real Housewives of NJ! :)

THE Pregnancy Melt-Down

Well, we all knew it would happen. I mean, it’s me. Little Miss Reactive. Little Miss Fly Off the Handle then laugh about it later. Let me paint the picture.

I have a client that I truly love. It’s probably one of my most favorite clients ever and it’s important for me to do a good job for her always. Yesterday we were ready for a big launch - a delayed big launch mind you. As we are nearing the hours towards launch, it’s getting tight. She needs information for testing. I need information from my PM. The other vendor for the integration needs answer....and I'm like monkey in the middle. I'm hot. I'm tired and I'm not getting the answers I need to give her. Furthermore, there are lots of little details that need done. We all know details are not my strong suit. I am a big picture kind of girl.

So, I'm literally sweating because I'm so stressed out. Not the figurative 'sweating', I mean the soaking your clothing through your bra kind of sweating. Hey - I have a mini-space heater in my stomach.

My client is asking questions, I'm over-heating, I’m stressed out and as I said, I can’t answer my client and all of a sudden, the first tear trickles out...I try to stifle it, but then the second tear makes his way out of the duct. I try calmly to ask my client if I can call her back. She can hear my voice cracking and is probably thinking “calm down, crazy!” And as she tries to calm me down (on her launch day) I say again, I must hang up. We do. Thankfully. I wasn’t prepared to do the following on the call with said client.

No sooner do we hang up that I frantically throw my tank top as if it’s on fire and wiggle out of my harness known as a bra. AND THEN I sat, pathetically at my desk, sobbing. I mean, these must be nearly 9 months of hormonal tears just flowing down my hot, steaming face. I cried so much, so hard, for truly, no reason that I had to shower just from the mess I made of my face alone. Never mind the aforementioned sweat fest.

My seriously wonderful husband came home in the middle of my private meltdown. He came up to hug me and I could not even look at him, feeling so ashamed like Denver the lab. Instead I whispered "Can you please give me 5 minutes to collect myself" and because he is the bomb-diggity, he didn't just give me 5 minutes. He cleaned up the kitchen clutter while I put on my big girl panties so I could deal.

Oh, the joys of pregnancy!