Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Gatorade is Thirst Aid....

For the that deep down body thirst! I think that is how the commercial used to go when we were little kids...anyone?

Well, regardless - I've been drinking A LOT of it.

One day last week, I woke up and I didn't feel right. A little dizzy, a little fluish and really weak. I took the first hour off of work and slept in to get some rest. By lunch time, I had some soup and ginger ale and was feeling fine.

Over the weekend, MP and I went to the outlets to do some shopping. It was hot. I mean, REALLY hot and I was swelling and when we got home, I kinda felt the same way again, but chalked it up to the heat.

But, on Monday I was struck again by feeling dizzy and crappy. I even had to stop working and go lay down for a hour, it was brutal. Then I woke up on Tuesday the same way. I decided to call the doctor.

Long story short, my blood pressure is really low. This is pretty odd because my blood pressure is usually so good doctors comment on it. After an examine, doctor said all is more than fine with the baby, but I need to chill out. HA!

She said to drink a lot of gatorade and fluids and eat some some salt when the bp drops. I can handle that! Doctor also threatened to pull me from work early if I don't redcue my work/stress load.

Thankfully, I work for some great people who put my health first and have agreed to take some items off my plate so I can get items transitioned to the person managing each client while I am gone. So, with 13 business days left until maternity leave, I'm busy just getting itesm out of my inbox.

Go away all 100+ emails!

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