Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday, Already?

Man, the last of the ‘free’ weekends sure are flying by faster than I can rest and enjoy them. That may or may not be due to my behavior, but I’m not in the business of pointing fingers so early on a Monday!

Another week has passed – 36 weeks of pregnancy of be exact – hard to believe it. 36 weeks have been filled with so much. Trips, holiday, work, graduate school, visitors, relaxing, preparing, and now I’m just trying to enjoying the last little bit of life as I know before, before our world is rocked. However, I can’t wait!

Last week flew by for both of us. We are both so buy with work. MP is running around like a maniac and I’m working diligently to wrap up things at work – and still getting pressured to start new things. Needless to say, work stress is NOT diminishing. I guess it won’t until I’m out and I just don’t care. We had our last ‘regular’ baby class last week.

We go back tomorrow for child and infant CPR and then we are done. It’s been a really interesting class and we’ve learned a lot about labor and delivery. However, the chairs are uncomfortable and after working all day, I’m tired of being ‘talked’ to.

I have not made the dent in my baby sleeping habits book as I should have. I have a mission to do that this weekend, darn it! Tonight I need to put the finishing touches on Ireland’s room and polish the floors – then that is ready to go. I got my hospital nightgown yesterday for post-delivery. I washed it with the last little bit of baby stuff and I need to finish packing that today.

The car seats were installed this weekend. We took them up to FDOT and met with an officer to have them properly checked. She was a wonderful assistant and we are thankful we had her help. Of course it’s a bit strange to be rolling around with car seats in your car. Talk about a mind blowing reminder of what is to come.

Speaking of – I went into I’s room on Friday afternoon – and I noticed an empty crib (as I have so many times before) but this time, I stopped dead in my tracks and thought “OMG, I am going to responsible for someone’s life” and that is just flat out scary! And so exciting.

Saturday MP and I went to the outlets to do some shopping. He was looking for new clothes, while I watched with jealousy. I can’t wait to wear normal clothes again and to workout and shop. But, he didn’t let me feel bad long. With the upcoming birthday he treated me to a pair of Kate Spade sunglasses (yay, finally!) and I treated myself to some KS earrings! Not a bad start to my birthday week! After a ton of walking in the extreme heat (it got HOT here) I was done. We came home and I pretty much was useless the rest of the day.

Sunday after I church I took MP to the Rays game for Father’s Day. I had bought us awesome tickets and we enjoyed them. We even decided to do something different and each keep score of the game using the scorecard they give you. After a Rays sweep over the Marlins, we met MVP for dinner at Mac Grill and then ran errands at Walmart. By the time we got home, this baby was a moving. By moving, I mean making waves in my belly and I’m pretty sure she was even dropping more, b/c the pelvic pain was crazy. She’s making her way I guess!

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