Thursday, February 2, 2012

6.5 Months

Where does 6.5 months go? How is it possible that I just put to sleep a 6.5 month old baby?

This time last year, I was pregnant, in school and just waiting. Anxiously awaiting the arrival of Miss Ireland. Now, I find myself in full mother mode. It's all too much for me to take in sometimes.

Sometimes, I want and need time to slow down. I CONSTANTLY look at pictures of Ireland at birth, a week old, 2 weeks old, 2 months old, etc. My dad always laughs that I have too many pictures of Ireland, but I don't. Because I have almost a picture a day for the first 6 months and I can see the growth day to day, but I can't believe the growth. The pictures help remember.

I look at Ireland and I'm still in awe. How did we create such a magnificent and beautiful daughter? What did I do in life to get a baby that is so happy and smiles from ear to ear every day? How is it that she has been holding her own bottle for months? How is she crawling?

I look and Ireland and I wonder what she thinking. She is smart. She seems to always be thinking, calculating, and learning. Yet, she's so playful and just sits or crawls around saying 'lalalala' or 'dadada' in the sweetest little voice I ever did hear.

The days seem to short and they go too fast. I JUST put her to sleep, and I miss her already.

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