Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Taking Registry Suggestions!

Ok, so I'm new at this baby stuff - so I'm looking for help as we plan for our registry, please!

I dont need a stroller, or a car seat because I've got those already - but I'm looking for recommendations on the the other stuff: bottles, diapers, wipes, butt cream, etc.

What are things you couldn't live without while you raised your baby that I must register for?

What were the items you registered for, but never used? What was a waste?

Tell me why you do or don't like these things.



  1. My faves:

    NURSING PILLOW (Boppy is good whether you are nursing or just to help prop baby; I also have My Brest Friend that I liked in the beginning for nursing).


    SWING (There are new ones out, but I have the Aquarium one from Fisher Price - I recommend getting one that swings front/back AND side-to-side ... a LIFESAVER at times)

    RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES (lots of D - I always have an extra set charging to replace as soon as needed)

    DR. SMITH'S BUTT CREAM (I buy on Amazon and in the tubes - not a fan of the tubs/contamination) - this was recommended to me and honestly I haven't used anything else. No problems with rashes and I still use with my kids as soon as there are signs of redness on bottoms. This is probably a matter of preference / trial and error to see what works for you.

    I use sensitive wipes in the beginning for newborns. I'm a Pampers brand snob ... again preference / trial and error.

    Detergent - Used Dreft in the beginning with Eliana but then just switched to All Free and Clear for all of our laundry. In my opinion Dreft and baby detergent isn't necessary.

    Wipes Warmer - I had one for Eliana, also not necessary. If you get one, just an FYI - the sensitive wipes dry out fast.

    Expensive but dual purpose and I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT ... BabySmart Kooshie Changer. Don't get the cream one, over time is became discolored. I just splurged and got another one, the black one. You just wipe it down (no need for covers) and I also used it for sponge baths. I didn't buy a baby bath for E or J. This one:

    But I did have this when they took baths in the tub:

    I could go on and on, but these are my favorites and just a couple of opinions on what I've found unnecessary. Email me if you want more ... :)

  2. I suggest you get the book "Baby Bargains." It helped me lots!

    Things that we have used a lot so far for Lily are:

    Bouncer Seat: She likes it and very handy for when you need to put her something so you can get some bottles washed or dinner made.

    We use Dr Brown Bottles, they work great, although I have nothing to compare too.

    We use Pampers for diapers and wipes. They seem to work well so we haven't changed. I use the desitin cream - luckily haven't had to use it too much but it worked when I did.

    We did have way too many 0 - 3 month clothes! Not that you register for clothes but if you do try and do larger ones. I just boxed up a lot of clothes that she never wore.

    My favorite receiving blankes are koala kuddles, which would be great for you in Florida since they are muslin. They are muslin, larger and easier to swaddle babies in. You can find them at They usually come up on sale on some websites so if you're interested watch for that.

    Something that we loved was the Rock and Play sleeper. We would take it when we went places like my parents or anywhere really (We even used it at a bowling alley once!) It's great and she slept great in it.

    That's all I have for now, I'm sure I'll have more later!

  3. Wipes and Diapers
    My favorites are huggies wipes... they are much thicker than pampers and less oily... but you will probably find everybody has their own opinion... you will just have to try them both and see which you like better. Same with diapers... huggies were better on Aubrie but now with Mia pampers seem to work better :) I never used a wipes warmer with either girl. I'm kinda a nut about things that are constantly plugged in... I like to save on the electric bill!

    Just buy the All free and clear it is much cheaper than Dreft and does the exact same thing. I started washing everyone's clothes in All. Make it much easier. If you don't have one already buy a garment bag to put your bibs into before washing. As I learned the velco on the bids doesn't stay closed during the wash and then you end up with bid stuck to all your other clothes and something ruined... just put your bibs in a garment bag and problem solved!

    Bottles and Feeding
    I only ever used Dr. Browns and I loved them. They are a pain in the butt to wash but Aubrie never had an ear infection. With Mia I am nursing so she only gets an occasional bottle and I still use the Dr. Browns. I own a bobby pillow and never used it with either girl... I could never seem to get it in a comfortable position.

    From Kohl's I got a Homemedic music and projection thing. It is great for bedtime you turn it on and it projects images up on the ceiling and plays music.

    We have the Fisher-Price Starlight Cradle 'n Swing... love it! It swings two different ways back and forth and side to side. It was great for both girls.

    Oh and if you have a hand in planning your shower recommend that guests give you a book instead of buying a card. Its a great way to get a collection of books started and the guest can sign the inside of the book.

    That all I can think of for now... good luck with everything!
