Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Back to the work thing...

I NEED to be doing school work. But instead, I'm shedding a few tears because today was my first day back at work.

Now, I know that I am lucky that I work at home, and I am lucky that I even had Ireland home with me today as I worked. However, it wasn't the same.

We couldn't sleep in and snuggle and nurse in bed at 10am, while we are both half awake. We couldn't play in our pj's at noon even though one of us should be napping and one of us should be showering. :)

I am thankful for the nearly 9 weeks I spent home with Ireland. I am thankful for everyone who came over to visit and for those who came to help. It was a magical 9 weeks and while I know that it had to come an end, it doesn't really make it easier to manage.

My first day back to work wasn't bad. It was mainly getting caught up and organized. Tomorrow will be busy! As I mentioned, Ireland was home today. MP worked from home, too, so he was a big help. I got up at 5am when Ireland wanted to eat. We nursed for about 30 minutes and went back to bed until 7. We got up and played a bit then she wanted to eat again. I wanted to go on a walk with her but I was very tired and sore from yesterday so I showered and made coffee. I was eager to play with Ireland for an hour before work, but she had other plans. So, dad put her to nap in her crib and I cleaned and what not.

She woke up when MP was out running, so I put her on her vibrator chair and learned that it makes noise (haha, it was hand me down, I had no idea!) and all of a sudden Ireland started giggling and cooing. She LOVES that chair more than ever. It allowed me to work and her to be entertained.

I got to feed her at her next two feedings and then MP took her out to get an oil change and tire rotation on my car (amazing husband!). I think that was the first time I was home but Ireland wasn't. While it was nice to do some work, I missed her.

She came home in time for me to feed her and then finish up work and get acquainted with a new coworker. After dinner, I HAD to get started on school work. I sat down to work and MP and Ireland ran out to Publix. I cried. I missed her and I hadn't nursed her in HOURS.

Its funny, I never thought I'd nurse. In fact, I was pretty positive I wouldn't. Now I hate when we don't get at least 3 nursling's in a day. It IS such a bonding experience, I am so thankful I've had this privilege to feed her this way.

So, around 7 when she got home, I stole her away and we went out and sat on the patio. Ireland is like me, she loves the heat and humidity. We snuggled in a chair and we both dozed off as the sun started to retreat. It was JUST what I needed after my first day 'away' from her. I'm scared for how I will feel after she starts daycare 3 days a week next week....

Ok, now I gotta go put the munchkin in bed and I really do have to do school work.

This mommy stuff is hard on the heart....

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