Thursday, September 1, 2011

7 Weeks Today!

Life is funny at times. It's amazing how time plays tricks on us. I remember counting down to go to Ireland, 7 weeks seemed so far away. I remember counting down to getting my baby girl, Ireland, and 7 weeks seemed an eternity.

Yet now, I find myself perplexed that 7 weeks can go by so fast. Its quite unfair, really. But, my mom always told me that life isn't fair.

7 weeks ago I was holding my brand new baby girl in my arms and she was merely a few hours old. It blew my mind that she was in my belly, then out. Just like that.

Now it blows my mind how incredible and amazing she is and how much she grows, mentally and psychically, with every passing day.

My baby was born 6.5 lbs, but left at 5.5 lbs. 7 weeks later she has is 8.11. I'm so proud of the fact that she is growing. I never intended to breast feed. I never thought I would breast feed, in fact I used to think it was weird. But, I really wanted her to get the colostrum and once we got started, I haven't wanted to stop. I work really hard to produce milk for her and to build a mass frozen supply! She is stocked so far and I hope our supply keeps building. I get really annoyed by the people who don't know much about breastfeeding, yet feel the need to comment on how small my child is, or suggest she needs more food. She's doing great and while she is little, her belly is HUGE! She is doing just fine!

Of course everyone thinks their child is the best and smartest and most advanced, so I won't rattle off a list of things she's doing. But I will say that she amazes me each day when she does something new.

It melts my heart to a million different pieces when she smiles at me. I don't really know what in life is better than your child smiling at you.

I am loving being a mother and I am loving our time together!

I love you, Ireland!

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