Saturday, July 23, 2011

Being a Mommy - Week 1

Tomorrow will be one week since we've been home from the hospital. The week has flown by, I want it to slow down, it's going way too fast.

Ireland has let us sleep some nights and not so much on other nights. She's been a good eater, keeping me on nursing duty around the clock. She loves laying in her dads legs and laying on his chest every morning.

Ireland is so beautiful. I know I'm her mom and I'm supposed to say that, but she really really is. She is strong, already rolling to her side and using her hands. Like her mom, she MUST sleep on her right side.

The beginning of the week was hard, I was very sleep deprived and the hormones were coming out as a result on Tuesday. Thankfully, I have my mom here and she has been a huge help. She cooks and cleans for us and that alone is invaluable.

Having the c-section has made it complicated to do certain things. For one, I can't sleep on my side yet. It just is uncomfortable. But really, it's been frustrating to not be able to drive myself somewhere or to move the baby swing when I want to. It took me all week to get to the bank, when before I would just go as I please. Soon enough though, I have to remember that I had a major surgery and it will take time to heal.

Thursday we had her first doctors appointment and afterwards, MP took us to Babies R Us for nursing goods. After walking around there for 45 minutes, I was done. The incision area hurt and I was exhausted. I came home, nursed and crashed for almost two hours. Just in time to eat dinner and nurse again! :)

Friday my mom offered to watch Ireland so that MP and I could run a few errands. We had to go to the bank, Walmart and a few other places. It was nice to get out a bit, but after walking around Walmart, I again was sore and missing my baby.

Last night our little angel was a hellion and didn't want to sleep. I was up trying to get her to sleep, that I hardly had time to nap before it was time to nurse her. I got up to pump around 5am and give her a bottle and I could hardly keep my eyes open. I went in around 6am to sleep again, and when I woke up at 8am I had no idea that dad and baby had been up playing most of the morning in the bed next to me. I was out to the world!

I'm really enjoying being a mommy and I am so addicted and in love with Ireland. It's hard not to fight MP for time to hold her. But, she's already got Daddy wrapped around her tiny long finger, so I try not to break up their bonding time too much! :)

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