Thursday, August 25, 2011

Talking Dad's Birthday and Sleep

Today was MP's birthday! He woke up to find a card from Ireland and I and a book from Ireland. Since MP calls himself 'pop' when referring to himself in dialogue with Ireland, she had the perfect gift for him. She gave him the Dr. Suess special "hop on pop" so they could read it together. We all went to lunch and then to Lowe's so I could treat him to the leaf blower he wanted.

It's no secret that I'm a horrible sleeper. I don't recall exactly when I became a bad sleeper, I think after my father died, but my mom would have to confirm. As far back as around that time period, I remember my mind just doesn't shut off at night. I'm a busy bee, always have been and I don't do a lot of my private 'pleasure' thinking until I would hit that pillow. Then I start processing my day, mulling over things, worrying about things, etc. Now, there have been periods of time I sleep quite well. My junior year of college was a great year for sleep. The years I worked at PPG, I was up daily at 5am, did two workouts a day and so by 9pm or so, I was out. Since then, not so much. Throw in my restless leg and well, sometimes I'm lucky that I sleep at all.

So its no wonder that I'm a bit of a nervous nelly about Ireland's sleeping habits and really want her to have her father's good sleeping habits! It's very important to me that she has a healthy sleep from the start.

So now that I'm two weeks out from having to go back to work, and putting her in daycare a few days a week soon, I'm really wanting to start a routine and get her on a good schedule.

So, tonight MP and I did a practice run at our routine. Not so much the timing we want, but a good start.

I nursed Ireland and got her belly full! Then I gave her a bath. This was particularly a big win, b/c I just figured out she likes a bath and doesn't scream the whole time. So she loved her bath tonight and I'm certain if she could speak, she would've asked me to stay in there! After her bath, I took her into her room and gave her a little massage while I put her lotion on. Then daddy took her to be swaddled, read to and put down in the bassinet. (We've been letting her sleep in the bouncer chair until her 12pm feeding).

So, she is now sleeping and I hope she will sleep until I wake her at about 11:30 or 12:00 for her next feeding. If all goes as it has been, she will sleep until at least 4:30. FINGERS CROSSED!

1 comment:

  1. Two things- I feel the same way about sleep - lately, I can not fall asleep and things are just running through my mind left and right. I finally broke down and took a 1/4 of a xanax:) It works like a charm!!!

    Good luck with the schedule for Ireland. She is getting so big!

    I got the beautiful birth announcement - loved them all but especially the watermelon!!!
    Love ya!
