Tuesday, January 4, 2011

And the gender is.....

MP and I went in for our 2nd baby appointment today. We were both coming down from the flu and were very sluggish in the appointment. We saw a different OB in our practice today, and she was very nice. As I laid on the chair and waited for her to find a heartbeat, I was scared. It must have been 45 seconds before she found it. I knew from our first appointment what it sounded like, so I was growing very worried when she didn't find it immediately (Hey, I'm new at this and I just went a day without food and very little drink, it's perfectly normal! HA!) At last we heard the precious little heartbeat and my personal heart resumed normal beating! Oh, how I love the the sound of the little heartbeat of my tiny little baby.

We were faced with the decision to do the 13 week bloodwork that tests for Down Syndrome and other disorders. We kept going back and forth with what what we wanted to do. We kept putting off our decsion and decided to have private discussion in the doctors office. Nice timing! We made our decision. It's a personal one that each couple much choose together and I feel comfortable with our decision.

We had a sonogram today and I asked when we would be able to find out the gender. I know the books, websites and experienced Mommys all live by the 20 week rule, but I wanted to hear what my doctor said. She promptly said that the tech could tell me today. So in we went.

OMG the baby was SO ACTIVE! No wonder why we couldn't track down the heartbeat at first. Baby was swimming, and playing, and sucking her thumb, and waving and kicking and curling up. So cute. This baby also gave a few fist pumps! Hey, it's a got a lil'jersey in it! So amazing. I could watch it play ALL DAY LONG in there. I just laid there with a big smile across my face watching in awe. I think MP did, too! We are at 13 weeks and 2 days and measuring right on spot! We'll go back in February for our next appointment.

So, the sex?
Well, I said to the tech "Dr said you can tell the sex today." Without hesitation she had a big smile on her face and said "Well, I'm pretty sure I know the gender. It is early, so I don't want to tell you its 100% but your baby is very coooperative and I have every reason to believe it is a girl!" I couldn't believe it!! The baby gave us lots of shots with her legs open and the swelling in the gential area is consistent with that of a teeny female. We also did not see anything poking out and our teeny little hussie gave us much opportunity to check for pokers!

I wasn't going to share the news just yet, but MP decided to do so. We both know that we could go in Feb or March and be told that our baby does in fact have a poker, but really, is that so wrong? NOPE! :) In the end as long as our baby is healthy and happy, the sex is just a detail!

So I'm very excited. I am so appreciative all our friends and family who have sent us such nice congrats! Everyone seems to be excited it's a girl and I appreciate that, too! There is no doubt that this baby will be surrounded in love!

Poppy will not be the name, however, I think it's safe to say it's a nickname that will be stuck for life and that too is OK by me! :)


  1. YEAH! Girls are so much fun to shop for!!!

  2. OMG Colleen! That was the funniest blog I have ever read! I can just imagine your daughter reading when she's older, the little hussie!! HAHA!! Classic! So happy to have more girls around, these kiddos better like DMB, because we'll be lugging them around when they get a bid older!

  3. Dear Brace Face,
    Nicknames are our game! Only fitting that the little one has one from the get go! :)
    Lizard Lips

  4. OMG, I just found out that you are prego! Congrats girl! Motherhood is the best thing I've ever done in my entire life, but it is definitely not easy...get as much rest as you can now b/c you might end up with a little one like mine who likes to get up every few hours at night even at 9 months old! I just like to think he loves me so much he wants to be with me at night too, but my body doesn't necessarily appreciate it that much! Enjoy all the cravings and eat everything you want. I did and lost every pound I gained and then some, so no worries! Congrats again this is just soooo wonderful!

  5. Aurora was "Baby O" for the longest! I luv the nickname Poppy and anyway Peanut is already taken! :P Luv ya!
