Friday, March 11, 2011

Dr. Feel Good

You know, I really can't complain. Pregnancy for the most part has been super easy. Sure, morning sickness and calling dinosaurs wasn't much fun. And well, gaining weight on my already fat body, never fun. But ultimately, I've been so blessed so far so I just try to take it all in stride and just don't complain, it's not worth it.

However, a pain in my right hip has been creeping up on me and for about 7 days or so now it's been really bad. If I sit for a long time, walk a few miles or try to bend over, etc. It's gotten excruciating.

I've also had some other stressors (work, c'mon though, who doesn't) and I think those didn't help my aching body. Assuming that I go on my due date (which I actually don't assume) I am 4 months today from labor and delivery. My body is starting to ache at the end of each day and the extra weight and what not is probably helping.

I went to massage envy on Tuesday and got a massage, it was bliss. But the best part was today - I went to a new chiropractor - MP's Dr. Tommy, whom I shall now refer to as Dr. Feel Good.

I went into Dr. Feel Good today and told him my symptoms. He massaged my hip and butt area and yeah, it’s all out of whack. My right leg was out goofed up - falling shorter than the other and tons of tightness all along the sciatic nerve. It hurt today, but he adjusted me and immediately I felt looser and ready to go. Thank you Dr. FG!! I go back Monday and I can’t wait.

I also read that chiropractic care up to labor and delivery can help reduce L&D time – hey, I will take it. Any measures I can take to reduce that time is good is my book. Pregnant ladies – if you are in pain - GO get adjusted, it feels so good!

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