Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Truth about Pregnancy

I had a great friend, Bart, come to town this weekend and spend some time with me. I was told that I don’t sell pregnancy very well. Now, this came to a surprise to me as I don’t really mind being pregnant, and I really don’t intend to ‘complain’ about being pregnant. The only thing I HATE about being pregnant is how fat I am…I mean I’m 5’1 and full of boobs already and NO ONE likes getting fat, so sue me already!

To be honest, the onset of acid reflux after I drink my favorite – Iced Decaf Coffee from DD sucks. Peeing every 5 minutes isn’t fun and the pain my hip due to weight load and sleeping on my side doesn’t help. BUT these are all part of the process and I just roll with it, and try not to complain too much. Bart clarified that I don’t complain so much as I am ‘too honest’. I can’t figure out if that was her way to NOT hurt my hormonal feelings and back herself out of a corner, or if she was being honest.

Whichever it is, I will share a few things I have learned so far that are intended to help Bart know that it’s all worth it:

When you read that your skin is more sensitive to the sun while pregnant, it’s true!! Bart and I went to the beach on Sunday. I slathered on my Aveeno 50 sun block and plopped by big ol’ booty in a beach chair for hours. I forgot to put it on my legs…and well, my knee caps of all freakish things got FRIED, and a spot or two on my shins. Note to self….add sun block all over next time.

Acid Reflux SUCKS! MP has it really bad and I have a new appreciation for him. And while I told Bart that I have it, and it may have deterred her from KU’d, I should add that it is preventable. Don’t drink and eat certain things and you won’t have it. If you have it, eat tums!

Seeing a chiropractor early on is best. I just started going and already my aches and pains are being reduced. Problem solved!

MOST people tend to be nicer to you when you’re pregnant, win!!! While standing in line for fried strawberry shortcake on a stick at the Strawberry festival (no comments, please) some random guy came up and said ‘GOOD LUCK, MAMA’ while looking at my ever-expanding waist line. First I turned to MP and said “hell yeah, even pregnant I get hit on!” But really it’s true. People hold doors for you and ask about the baby and have a genuine interest. Babies make people happy, they are cute and warm and fuzzy and you’re carrying that life inside you. Most people want the best for you. There is the more than occasional asshole that will say something stupid or rude or condescending about your size, what you eat, unsolicited advice, etc. But I do my best to tell them to STFU the best way I can. So those people can flake off, I’m going to enjoy being babied for the last time in my life! (Note: I am not referring to the Charlie Sheen ‘winning’. Not only do I think that is lame, but I think everyone Facebook already ‘stole’ that from him.)

People bring/send you adorable things and it’s so nice! Over the past few days, I have received the invite to my baby shower – the invite is so cute and the message on the back from my sister is so freaking sweet. I’ll have to scan it in and share! My Aunt brought us an adorable outfit. Bart brought us all kinds of cute stuff, including a wee baby purse and Heinz pickle stuff for Ireland to wear. SO CUTE! My MOH, Amy, also sent a batch of fun stuff that she recommends as must haves, including an adorable outfit with a fat cupcake on the bum of the onezie! SO CUTE! It’s really so overwhelming to have so many people doing such generous things for you and the baby. It means so much and words can never really articulate how much it means.

So Bart, I hope I have helped you realize there are lots of good things that come out of pregnancy and for the ‘bad ones’ they are just temporary! :)

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