Sunday, June 12, 2011

Another weekend not wasted!

WHEW! It's already 9:25 on Sunday night. I still have to finish at least the introduction of my book on baby sleeping habits before I retire for the night...which should be soon because I am whooped!

Friday was a great day in terms of accomplishment. We had a meet and greet with the pediatrician we selected and that went well. I got a lot accomplished at work so that I can get at my desk tomorrow and really pound out maternity leave preparations. MP and I went out for pizza on Friday night and I came home and just say on my rear. I starting piling through my American Baby and Parenting magazines I let pile up during the semester and what not.

Saturday we had a baptism preparation class at church in the morning. We came home and put up the decals in Ireland's room. MP finished fixing the closet doors in there today, so now all that is left is for me to get some pictures in a frame, hang it up and clean/polish the floors. Then, we are all set! I plan to have that done this week.

Then I went and treated myself to a manicure and pedicure before going to visit a friend who was moving. I enjoyed going into CVS to buy her a case of beer - oh the looks I got! :) Tee Hee! After stopping over to supervise the move, I went to the Fresh Market to get groceries and some dinner. Came home to have MP grill our burgers and then I again, sat on my rear. I was just beat up, AGAIN. I can't wait to get my stamina back!

Today I slept until until nearly 9am. I have been waking up a lot at night and even staying awake for an hour or so in the middle of the night. So I guess my body needed the extra bit of sleep it got today. MP went out to cut the grass while I prepared and sent initial interview questions to potential nanny's. When MP came in I made us breakfast and then started cleaning some of the rooms of our house. By 11am I was once again done - so I sat down to take care of some computer work before I could manage standing again to shower and run more errands.

We went to BuyBuyBaby to purchase some items - we came out with a dvd that's been recommended to watch - The Happiest Baby on the Block and MP's pick -Parenting - the 1st year for dummies. :) MP wanted a backpack for his baby bag - so we stopped and got him one. THEN came the good part! We treated ourselves to Cheesecake from the Cheesecake factory - mmm, mmmm!! I have half of mine in my fridge and its calling my name for another day!

We made our way home in time to sit for an hour before heading to church. I was to read the 2nd reading tonight mass. I got there to find out I was to do the 1st reading. OOPS! So I frantically grab a missile and read over it...woah, some city names I don't know how to pronounce. Had I read the 1st reading preparations, my guide would have showed me this. So I go up to the Deacon's daughter and asked for her help. She told me her dad wrote a song about this - but she can't remember. So, all 20 years of her tells me "Just go with it, if you mess up, only you and Father will know. It's not like he will call you out." In a moment of a pregnancy induced hot flash, I decide to accept her advice. I go up. I read. I mangle.

During the homily Father Ed, who I adore, has a great analogy about the holy spirit and O-rings from the challenger...yeah, you had to be there to get it, but I loved it. In an effort to drive home how members of the church are like faulty o-rings...he asks the readers to raise their hands. Then proceeds to CALL ME OUT on messing up in the reading! LOL Only me!! He didn't mean to be it rude, it was a teachable moment! :) I just laughed, that is SO ME!!!

While waiting to bring the book up to the alter before mass, some woman came up to me and said "you look absolutely beautiful". I was still to high off her kindness to care I messed up. God doesn't care, he's just glad I tried!

We came home and made diner and packed our baby bags. Ireland's hospital bag is ready. Now I just need to pack MY hospital bag and have my list ready in case MP or MVP have to stop here and collect the few random items. Or Erin, she may be on list duty, too.

I have asked Erin to be my Douala! She accepted. :)

So this week ahead is all about working hard at the job, getting things off the list and ready for transition. I need to finish up I's room, clean her toys and wrap it all up. We have baby class this Tuesday night again where we'll get a tour of the recovery wing at the hospital. I also need to read like 4 chapters in my sleeping habits for baby book we were gifted.

We are getting there, we are close! This is BONKERS!

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