Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Overwhelmed with Love

Overwhelmed with love is the best way I can sum up the past week. I seriously have to stop and pinch myself so often and say "What did I do to deserve such goodness?"

I came home today to find a high chair box sitting on my door step. Our friends Natalia and Tom J sent us one of our last big ticket items. I couldn't believe how generous they were to send that gift to us. I received all those clothes from my friend - so much so that I had to buy containers for storing. My fairy godmother brought Ireland more clothes. My sweet and thoughtful friend MJ sent me a bag of Hello Kitty goodies and clothing for Ireland. Today, my dear friend Erin treated me to Tijuana Flats for my birthday. THANK YOU everyone!

My photog Carmen took some really sweet pictures of me and MP with my belly o'baby! I can't believe I was gifted a photo shoot by her, she is such a busy person and her time is so appreciated and her creativity is loved. I can't wait to see some of the special pictures we did. Carmen has a great idea for pictures of Ireland post birth. I'm so freaking stoked.

I look around Ireland's room and I am beside myself that just about everything in that room was gifted to us. To think that we have that many friends and family that love us that much to provide all that to our little girl is just amazing. It's humbling. It's so appreciated. It's overwhelming - how do we ever pay back all these generous people in our lives?

I guess we start with raising Ireland right - to be a well mannered, sweet, secure little girl. Who knows that she is loved and secure. We work not to impose ugliness in her, but to instill the same values that we find in our friends and family. Teach her to be giving and generous. To say thank you, to not be greedy. To compliment others and not expect the same in return. To be sincere and to be real. And while we do that, we must do the same.

Ireland doesn't seem to want to come out yet. And I'm OK with that. She will come when she wants and when she is ready. I can't wait to hold that little girl and tell her how awesome she already is.


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