Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Ok, I have been hiding out from blogging and now all of a sudden I'm ready to write again. The past two months have been a whirlwind. I really feel this is the calm before the storm. I've been enjoying some nesting!

MP went away last week - Wednesday through Sunday. I had a nice time alone, although I missed him. I got to meet Erin and the kiddos for dinner one night and came home to wash the rest of Ireland's clothes and open up things in her room. Thursday I napped until late and then worked until nearly midnight.

Friday -I went up to Orlando to see my sweet friend AmyJ and we just ate Mexican food and saw Something Borrowed. It was nice to see her and get to play with her son Cole.

Saturday I came home and relaxed, ate some pizza and fruit and watched trash TV like the Real Housewives of NJ! :) Hey, if Ireland is going to learn smut, she's going to learn what smut to watch!

Sunday I got up early and cleaned. By cleaned, I mean I rooted through my house and did a deep clean. You know - where you take the freaking oven out of its pocket to clean behind it. I also decided to get on my hands and knees to clean the grout and baseboards. I was whooped. By the time MP I got home, I had him a to-do list created! We got up on Monday and did a bunch of errands! You know, we hit up the fun spots - a little Bed Bath and Beyond, Lowes, etc...the fun stuff. No Kate Spade. :(

By noon I was beat up from the feet up! These ankles are tired of supporting me and baby! I came home and napped then cleaned my patio while MP did work on the house. Such a good husband!

Later that day we went got to spend time with our friends Stephan and Maria and then hit the Fresh Market for grocery shopping. I was actually good and did some meal planning and shopping was fun. I am LOVING eating and shopping for our organic and natural foods.

Yesterday was my meltdown and I slept like a baby. I woke up today with a brand new 'tude and worked hard and chatted up an old friend. Then I made our dinner - a new recipe of goat cheese zucchini and baked cod. Then I made our dinner for tomorrow - corned beef cabbage rolls. They look good for the first try!

I just took a hot bath and now I'm sitting at the ottoman coffee table on the medicine ball and going to start researching nanny’s and pediatricians! I can do this calmly now because I's room is just about ready, all her clothes are clean, the kitchen has been deep cleaned and my honey-do list is getting knocked out!

Oh....and watch some more Real Housewives of NJ! :)

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