Monday, June 6, 2011

Colleen 1, Pregnancy 1.5

5 weeks from due date today. Poppy is no longer the size of a poppy seed but more like the size of a large cantaloupe. Is it wrong that song from Benny and Joon comes to mind? "Cantaloupa - cataloupa...da da da da...." Or whatever it says.....

I digress...this part of pregnancy has KICKED my arse lately. I will say nicely that I hate it!!!

My feet hurt, like the bottom pads of them, HURT. My wrists hurt. My fingers hurt, my back hurts, my ankles (not kankles yet!) hurt! I feel restricted, I have to rest a lot and we all know that I don't rest well.

Well, I decided this weekend that I was on a super crazy mission to get the last of my baby stuff done. I got darn near close.

Remember my work related meltdown? Well I spent Thursday tending to the same project until 1am...I woke up on Friday beat and just not feel rested. I muddled through the day the best I could, but by 3pm I was laying in my bed with my swollen sore feet up. I went to lunch that day with my lunching ladies - Kathleen and Elinor and ate bad - something I've been doing very little of. Let me tell you - its not worth it. I couldn't even nap without the reflux of a horrible meal taunting me every few minutes. It was just sad. :(

MP came home to find me attempting to nap. He suggested we do a late dinner so I could rest. We went out for German food (mmm, schnitzel!) later that night and came straight home. We had to get up early to volunteer our time at the Youth Tri down near Brandon.

I was up every hour (lovely pee breaks and acid reflux attacks) so by 5:30 I was just awake - waiting to get MP out of bed. We were out the door by 6:30 and tattooing up little kids by 7:30. As a parent to be, it was wonderful to see so many parents out at the pool with their kids. The kids were 5 and up. It was hilarious and cute to see the little kids doing the swim portion of their tri - then getting out the off the pool to run to transition. All too often you see or hear of parents who have the TV babysit their kids and let the iPad and the DS entertain them. Yet, these parents were up at 7am to ensure their kids were being active, playing with friends and having fun. It wasn't about winning or losing (well, there was THAT one guy, always is) but it was really about fun. As I put tattoos on the little boys and girls, I asked them if they were going to win or have fun. Most kids said "have fun" and I LOVE that attitude. After we applied tatoo's we walked a few blocks and stood guard on some streets to block cars from getting onto the raceway. I knew I would pay the price of being on my feet so long, but I didn't care. Watching these kids do the bike portion of their tri was worth it. I loved cheering on these little kids and watching them smile and have fun. I think most of them enjoyed the encouragement! I thought a lot about Ireland that day and how I can't wait to watch what her interests will be and to support her. Long gone are the days of getting up on a Saturday to nurse a hangover. I'm OK with that. I can't wait for the days to get up and watch her play softball, run a tri, kick a soccer ball, dance, etc. As long as she is active and having fun, I will be a happy parent.

One girl was talking to a group of kids all biking by each other - they were maybe 7 or 8. She said "I'm just getting used to my shocks" and I giggled. I looked down the street at MP, laughing and he said "Babe, that so would've been you, talking instead of competing." I laughed harder, that is SO true! GOod Times!

After that we came home and I was dead on my feet, as I suspected. The swollen knees and sore feet and ankles kicked in and I was ready to nap. Of course, all this tends to heighten my RLS, so I didn't nap for long. Instead, I forced myself to put together the bassinet/pack and play. I unwrapped all the toys and rattles and got them ready to be cleaned. I organized her room, got it ready for its final decorations. I started packing Poppy's hospital bag and made my list of what I needed to buy for each our diaper bags. I was on it!! By 4pm, I was off it...and fell asleep on our living room floor - OOPS! That hurt!

That night we just rested some more (after MP thankfully cut the grass) and took it easy. Sunday AM I was up at church early and then I went to get some breakfast. I was in the stores by 10am getting the things we needed - travel wipes a bassinet sheet, etc. I picked up our video camera and I did some food shopping. I came home by 1 and cleaned the kitchen and living room a bit then I stopped. BIG MISTAKE. OUCH! This body hates me! So I took a shower and napped until 5 freaking o'clock. Talk about feeling lazy.

I got up and made homemade - nearly all natural - beef stroganoff for dinner. OMG! It was SO GOOD! Aunt Cherry came over and ate with us and brought a chocolate ice box cake, I find comfort in knowing the leftovers of that are in my garage fridge! :)

Its now Monday AM and my inbox is mad at me, my maternity coverage list awaits and my iced coffee with chocolate almond milk needs made. I'm already tired.

One of my chores last week was to find a pediatrician and I think we found him! We are meeting with him on Friday for a meet and greet. Now I need to find the nanny and finish the last of the details… packing the bags, getting MP to get his list done, etc. I'm THIS close to feeling 100% baby ready! I can do it, I can do it!

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