Friday, November 12, 2010

Almost 6 weeks (5 weeks & 4 days)

I have downloaded three (3) pregnancy apps for my droid smartphone. In conjunction with two websites I'm signed up with and one book so far, I am in baby reading heaven. I am constantly getting weekly/daily updates, message board questions, articles on morning sickness, sleeping and shaving. (Yes, shaving while pregnant). I love it. I am so thankful too, b/c MP reads with me and on his own. I can come home and say "Did you know that Poppy's brain is developing this week?" and he says "YUP...." and it's great!

The one thing most of these items don't offer me is really good pictures of a developing Poppy. I know that for some of you Mom's - you know this stuff and will probably chuckle at me - but OMG! I love the pictures! I just downloaded a new app for my phone last night and it has the BEST pictures. I almost started crying last night when I realized the size of my little Poppyseed. It's so real! Yes, yes, I took many a class on biology and women's health in my life and learned this stuff - but this is different. This is OUR baby, our teeny tiny little developing human in my body. That is just BONKERS and I am so thankful!

So, I think I'll have to try to post some development pictures each week.

Poppy is less than .01 oz this week and about .16 inches. PEANUT!!!! Poppy's intestines and blood vessels are in place and so is the nucleus of the brain. AMAZING! What a gift we have been blessed with.

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