Friday, November 19, 2010

Rounding out week 7

Week 6 has been very interesting for me. For starters, morning sickness is in full effect. I am sick just about morning, noon and night. I just ate a yummy breakfast of eggs and 1/2 an english muffin courtesy of MP, and yet I have morning sickness. If this is the same as the past week - I will feel this way until I eat lunch. I will eat lunch and be good for a few hours, then around 5pm until I eat dinner it will be the same thing. Then it may or may not occur again, today.

I went to Publix with MP on Tuesday night. It was all I could do to not hurl in Publix. If I would've done this, I would've been so sad. Publix is always so clean. I survived, so did Publix and when I got home, the cats had treats. Win win for everyone! Wednesday night I sat in a group discussion on cultural competence in my foundations class. I couldn't participate b/c I was so I thought it would come in mid-sentence. I'm pretty sure my group thought I just didn't want to talk with them and they probably think I'm a witch. Oh well.

I'm afraid that my Poppyseed will turn into a veggie sub. The only thing I can stomach for lunch since Tuesday is a veggie sub, from Publix. A sub from anywhere else will do. Their multi-grain bread is so settling. I get lettuce, tomatoes, onions, green peppers, jalapeno's, a dash of mayo and a dash of vinegar. It settles my stomach right up! Seriously though, the SAME lady from Publix keeps ringing me out. I might have to share my news with her today before she thinks I'm her personal stalker.

Dinners have been very light, too. I don't think I have any real food aversion, but when I have morning sickness of queasiness, nothing sounds good but bread. Great, if Poppy is a girl she is going to have a carb ass like me! :) Poor thing!

I found out very exciting news last night. :) Someone that I know is pregnant and a due date one day after me. It is very exciting and I am so excited to share this experience with her. I will not divulge the name of that person just yet, so do not ask!!!! I will tell when I can. But I do ask one thing- if you read this blog and you are praying for me and a safe Poppyseed - please pray for her, too!

This weekend Poppy and I are going to sit in the USF library researching and writing a paper that was due a few days ago. Nothing like waiting until the after the last minute. I am getting close to finishing this semester. I am looking forward to a month off where Poppy and I can relax, sleep a lot and enjoy small portions of holiday food! I just hope I can stomach all the Thanksgiving food I am making next week!

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