Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's 2 am....yawn!

I don't know if this is training or what - but I am not sleeping well. I thought I was supposed to be feeling run down tired. Instead, I am tired, but wired with restless leg and restless arm and it's not making me feel good.

I've been battling RLS for some time now, probably all my life in retrospect, but I can really pinpoint to about 25. The past year has been the most awful. Right before the wedding I had all kinds of testing done - brain and spine scan, blood work and even some kind of electrical testing. The end result was: RLS. I was taking some medication for it before, but I'm not allowed to take it while Poppyseed is renting out my belly.

I don't know what to do. I am starting to get worried that I'm not getting enough rest for my little Poppyseed and I'm worried about school and my job as a result of no sleep. Maybe all this worrying is causing my RLS?

About 4:30 today, I did get one of my first waves of "Oh My, I am SOO tired." I laid down for about 40 minutes and got up, exhausted and immediately went for my walk. That gave me a burst of energy...that at 2am I have not apparently come down from!

I also got my first bout of nausea. After a scrumptious lunch at Tijuana Flats, I felt so sick that my dinner at 8 pm consisted of an everything bagel with butter. Not so nourishing.

I turned in two big projects today. One, a group project, I think is going to be an epic fail. Now I have two more major projects to get done by December 3rd. I am preparing for a few big projects at work and of course my day to day tasks. I don't feel very overloaded, but I must be if I am getting RLS EVERY night. On average, I am sleeping from 12 -1 or 2am to 7-8am. I am just not getting enough rest for a pregnant woman. I am just praying this doesn't hurt Poppyseed.

I'm THIS close to seeing if I can do acupuncture in pregnancy. I'm desperate to try anything at this point!

I'm too foggy to work right now - and I don't want to send emails to my clients at 2am. It sends them the impression I can be reached at any hour of the day and I worked hard to get them to stop after 6 pm. I don't want to read school work b/c I want to clear my mind. TV is boring. It's 2:15 am - I hope I can fall asleep soon - the 30 minute hot shower I just tried at 1:30 didn't work!

Pray for my sleeping habits to improve FAST! :)

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I'm just now reading all these entries.. I'm sure you found out by now but I think acupuncture can cause contractions and delivery.. so its great around the last week of pregnancy.. and I may be making that up too though LOL You will learn that pregnancy causes you to forget everything and question everything.
